Utah Poultry Producers Cooperative Association And Independent Union Of Poultry Employees, 212 (1939)

In the Matter of UTAH POULTRY PRODUCERS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION and INDEPENDENT UNION OF POULTRY EMPLOYEES In the Matter of UTAH POULTRY PRODUCERS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION and POULTRY WORKERS, FISH HANDLERS, EGG CANDLERS, FEED MILLMEN AND CREAMERY WORKERS, LOCAL #311 Cases Nos. R-1436 and R--1437, respectively CERTIFICATION OF REPRESENTATIVES October 23, 1939 On September 21, 1939, the National Labor Relations Board, herein called the Board, issued a Decision and Direction of Election in the above-entitled case.' On October 3, 1939, the Board issued an Amendment to Direction of Election.2 The Direction of Election, as amended, provided that an election by secret ballot be conducted within twenty (20) days from the date of the Direction among all employees of the Southwest Temple plant and Lakeside Mill of Utah Poultry Producers Cooperative Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, who were employed by the Association during the pay-roll period immediately preceding September 21, 1939, including employees who are members of the Association and including those who did not work during such pay-roll period because they were ill or on vacation and employees who were then or had since been temporarily laid off, but excluding supervisory and managerial employees and those who had since quit or been discharged for cause, to determine whether or not they desire to be represented for the purposes of collective bargaining by Independent Union of Poultry Employees.

Pursuant to the Direction of Election, as amended, an election by secret ballot was conducted on October 4, 1939, at Salt Lake City,

Utah, under the direction and supervision of the Regional Director for the Twenty-second Region (Denver, Colorado). On October 6, 1939, the Regional Director, acting pursuant to Article III, Section 9, of National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations-Series 2, issued and duly served upon the parties his Election Report. No 215 N.. R. B. 540.

objections to the conduct of the ballot or the Election Report have been filed by any of the parties.

The Regional Director reported the following results of the balloting:

Total number eligible to vote_..---------------------- 72 Total number of ballots cast ----------------------- 57 Total number of ballots counted-------------------- 57 Total number of votes for Independent Union of Poultry Workers ------------ -------------------------- 49 Total number of votes against Independent Union of Poultry Workers----------------...

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